It was only a category 1 which, in Florida means, "OMG! Shut everything down! Horde the water & canned goods! No electricity for a week afterwords! We're all gonna die!" Here, it was just business as usual.
The kids at my school got to leave early yesterday, and school started late today. But did the teachers have that same luxury? No sir!
I'm kind of bummed out about that. I still had to leave at 4pm and come back in at 8am. *le sigh*
So I walked outside to get to work this morning to find my little glass wind chime totally smashed and my recycle trash cans all over the place. That, and a nearby shop's old canvas awning ripped to shreds were the only signs of destruction.
Hell, last night I saw a kid on a bicycle going to the convenience store right before the shit went down.
So yeah, aside from the weather watch reports on the news last night, a typhoon here just wasn't that big a deal.
It was as it should be: just a really windy storm.
(The approaching storm)